Salvation kinetics of [Cr(NCS)<sub>4</sub>(imidazole)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>-</sup> has been studied in ethanol-water mixtures at different temperatures. The first stage of the solvation consists of two competitive reactions: two NCS<sup>-</sup> ions are exchanged, presumably, by water molecules and simultaneously an imidazole molecule by ethanol, the latter in a second-order reaction, accelerated by hydrogen ions. The exchange of the amine is followed by the substitution of the first two NCS<sup>-</sup> ions. The third and fourth NCS<sup>-</sup> ions are substituted only in neutral and slightly acidic solutions. Kinetic parameters have been determined for reactions (1), (2), and (4). The influence of the solvent composition and acidity is discussed
Salvation kinetics of [Cr(NCS)<sub>4</sub>(imidazole)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>-</sup> has been studied in ethanol-water mixtures at different temperatures. The first stage of the solvation consists of two competitive reactions: two NCS<sup>-</sup> ions are exchanged, presumably, by water molecules and simultaneously an imidazole molecule by ethanol, the latter in a second-order reaction, accelerated by hydrogen ions. The exchange of the amine is followed by the substitution of the first two NCS<sup>-</sup> ions. The third and fourth NCS<sup>-</sup> ions are substituted only in neutral and slightly acidic solutions. Kinetic parameters have been determined for reactions (1), (2), and (4). The influence of the solvent composition and acidity is discussed
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v10.n11.2002.65_2002.pdf
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