<p align="justify"> The present article describes some aspects of the history of chemistry in Mexico. Some developments of interest of the Pre-Hispanic or Pre-Columbian Period are treated briefly. For the Colonial Period, the importance of the Schoo/ of Mines of Mexico City, the discovery of vanadium, and other contributions of Andres Manuel Del Rio are discussed in detail. For more recent times, the work of Xorge Alejandro Dominguez in the area of natural products and the study of the ozone layer by Mario Jose Molina, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, are presented </p>
<p align="justify"> The present article describes some aspects of the history of chemistry in Mexico. Some developments of interest of the Pre-Hispanic or Pre-Columbian Period are treated briefly. For the Colonial Period, the importance of the Schoo/ of Mines of Mexico City, the discovery of vanadium, and other contributions of Andres Manuel Del Rio are discussed in detail. For more recent times, the work of Xorge Alejandro Dominguez in the area of natural products and the study of the ozone layer by Mario Jose Molina, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, are presented </p>
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v14.n14.2006.40_2006.pdf
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