Prof. Cristo/or L Simionescu was born in Dumbraveni, County of Suceava, Bucovina, Romania on July 17, 1920 and passed away in Jassy on August 6, 2007. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy in 1944, obtained the Doctoral Degree in Technical Sciences from the same institution in 1948, and served as a faculty member in Jassy for over fifty (50) years. He held various other positions including Rector, Vice-President and President of the Academy of Romania, and Director of the "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry. He has supervised more than one hundred (100) doctoral dissertations, published over eight hundred (800) scientific papers, and authored or co-authored more than twenty-seven (27) hooks. He was a member of many academies and learned societies throughout the world, Editor of many scientific journals, and received many prizes and awards. Prof. Cristo/or L Simionescu served on the Editorial Board of many international scientific periodicals, including the Southern BrazHian Journal ofChemistry. He is generally considered the father of macromolecular chemistry in Romania.
Prof. Cristo/or L Simionescu was born in Dumbraveni, County of Suceava, Bucovina, Romania on July 17, 1920 and passed away in Jassy on August 6, 2007. He graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy in 1944, obtained the Doctoral Degree in Technical Sciences from the same institution in 1948, and served as a faculty member in Jassy for over fifty (50) years. He held various other positions including Rector, Vice-President and President of the Academy of Romania, and Director of the "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry. He has supervised more than one hundred (100) doctoral dissertations, published over eight hundred (800) scientific papers, and authored or co-authored more than twenty-seven (27) hooks. He was a member of many academies and learned societies throughout the world, Editor of many scientific journals, and received many prizes and awards. Prof. Cristo/or L Simionescu served on the Editorial Board of many international scientific periodicals, including the Southern BrazHian Journal ofChemistry. He is generally considered the father of macromolecular chemistry in Romania.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v17.n17.2009.43_2009.pdf
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