<p align="justify"> Rare earth elements or rare earth metals are group elements including the fifteen lanthanides (Z=57 to Z=71). Scandium (Z=21) and Yttrium (Z=39) are considered rare-earth by IUPAC since they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and have similar chemical properties. The present article describes the mineralogical properties of the yttrium and the lanthanides. A total of two hundred and seventy-seven (277) minerals are known, the most common being monazites and bastnazites. Rare earth metals have many important industrial applications. </p>
<p align="justify"> Rare earth elements or rare earth metals are group elements including the fifteen lanthanides (Z=57 to Z=71). Scandium (Z=21) and Yttrium (Z=39) are considered rare-earth by IUPAC since they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and have similar chemical properties. The present article describes the mineralogical properties of the yttrium and the lanthanides. A total of two hundred and seventy-seven (277) minerals are known, the most common being monazites and bastnazites. Rare earth metals have many important industrial applications. </p>
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v18.n18.2010.40_2010.pdf
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