THE KNIGHT S MOVE IN THE PERIODIC TABLE: a regularity amongst the d<sup>10</sup> metals on the lower right-hand side
This article describes a pattern of reactivity and properties of the d<sup>10</sup> metals in the bottom right-hand side of the periodic table. Pairs of metals such as Zn-Sn, Cu-In, Ag-Tl, Cd-Pb, and Sn-Po, all related by the knight s move, are discussed, taking into consideration their properties, electronic configuration, and metallic state.
This article describes a pattern of reactivity and properties of the d<sup>10</sup> metals in the bottom right-hand side of the periodic table. Pairs of metals such as Zn-Sn, Cu-In, Ag-Tl, Cd-Pb, and Sn-Po, all related by the knight s move, are discussed, taking into consideration their properties, electronic configuration, and metallic state.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v1.n1.1993.38_1993.pdf
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