Beryllium is a chemical element composition of the Group 2 of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. It does not crystallize as a natural solid and exhibits a crustal abundance of 2.8 ppm. It is a chemical element among the trace elements with low representativity, together with erbinm and bromine. It shows a big chemical reactivity, and a low abundance in the chemical composition of minerals (only 96 minerals have beryllium in their chemical compositions). The principal beryllium-bearing minerals for industrial usages are beryl and bertrandite, and secondary sources are helvite, chrysoberyl, euclase, beryllonite, and phenakite. This review presents a synopsis of the beryllium-bearing minerals as a contribution to the scientific knowledge of these substances.
Beryllium is a chemical element composition of the Group 2 of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements. It does not crystallize as a natural solid and exhibits a crustal abundance of 2.8 ppm. It is a chemical element among the trace elements with low representativity, together with erbinm and bromine. It shows a big chemical reactivity, and a low abundance in the chemical composition of minerals (only 96 minerals have beryllium in their chemical compositions). The principal beryllium-bearing minerals for industrial usages are beryl and bertrandite, and secondary sources are helvite, chrysoberyl, euclase, beryllonite, and phenakite. This review presents a synopsis of the beryllium-bearing minerals as a contribution to the scientific knowledge of these substances.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v20.n20.2012.101_Revista_2012a.pdf
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