<p align="justify"> With this issue, THE SOUTHERN BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY completes twenty (20) years of continuous uninterrupted publication. The printed version of the JOURNAL has been distributed in more than Fifty (50) countries of the globe, covering all continents. We are well aware that at the present time when globalization and the centralization of information and control of many other human activities are in vogue, we may be appearing to go against the mainstream, or even in the opposite direction. As we stated in the first issue of the SOUTHERN BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY twenty years ago we are still open for the debate and discussion of education, history, and philosophy of science and still hope, in a modest way to contribute to the analysis and solution of the crisis of moral and ethical values and standards that affects science and education an over the world. </p>
<p align="justify"> With this issue, THE SOUTHERN BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY completes twenty (20) years of continuous uninterrupted publication. The printed version of the JOURNAL has been distributed in more than Fifty (50) countries of the globe, covering all continents. We are well aware that at the present time when globalization and the centralization of information and control of many other human activities are in vogue, we may be appearing to go against the mainstream, or even in the opposite direction. As we stated in the first issue of the SOUTHERN BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY twenty years ago we are still open for the debate and discussion of education, history, and philosophy of science and still hope, in a modest way to contribute to the analysis and solution of the crisis of moral and ethical values and standards that affects science and education an over the world. </p>
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v20.n20.2012.5_Revista_2012a.pdf
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