The inhibitive action of Saponinic extract of both Zygophylium album and Zygophylium Egyptian leaves which could serve as eco-friendly materials was investigated on the corrosion of N80 carbon steel in 1 M HCl solution. The techniques employed for the study were weight loss measurements. potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results obtained show that these extracts could serve as an effective inhibitor for N80 carbon steel. The percentage inhibition increases with increasing concentration of the inhibitor at 25 °C The percentage inhibitor efficiency above 90% was obtained at a concentration of 700 ppm for both extracts. The corrosion rates of steel and inhibitive efficiencies obtained from impedance and polarization measurements were in good agreement with those obtained from weight loss measurements. Potentiodynamic polarization studies clearly reveal that both extracts act as mixed-type inhibitors The study shows that the inhibition efficiency decreased with the temperature rise of the medium. Heat of adsorption and thermodynamic parameters and indicated that the adsorption process is mainly controlled by the physical adsorption process.
The inhibitive action of Saponinic extract of both Zygophylium album and Zygophylium Egyptian leaves which could serve as eco-friendly materials was investigated on the corrosion of N80 carbon steel in 1 M HCl solution. The techniques employed for the study were weight loss measurements. potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results obtained show that these extracts could serve as an effective inhibitor for N80 carbon steel. The percentage inhibition increases with increasing concentration of the inhibitor at 25 °C The percentage inhibitor efficiency above 90% was obtained at a concentration of 700 ppm for both extracts. The corrosion rates of steel and inhibitive efficiencies obtained from impedance and polarization measurements were in good agreement with those obtained from weight loss measurements. Potentiodynamic polarization studies clearly reveal that both extracts act as mixed-type inhibitors The study shows that the inhibition efficiency decreased with the temperature rise of the medium. Heat of adsorption and thermodynamic parameters and indicated that the adsorption process is mainly controlled by the physical adsorption process.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v20.n20.2012.79_Revista_2012a.pdf
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