The essential oils of Oncoba spinosa leaf and Morus mesozygia leaf and stem bark were extracted using hydrodistillation and analyzed by means of Gas chromatography (GC) and GC coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The yields of the essential oils were; 0.50 %, 0.165 %, and 0.456 % respectively for Oncoba spinosa leaf, Morus mesozygia leaf, and stem oil. A total of twenty-eight, thirty-four and twenty compounds representing 92.0%, 92.0%, and 96.9% of the total oil contents were identified, respectively from the leaf of O. spinosa, leaf, and stem oil of M. mesozygia. Leaf oil of O. spinosa contained linalool (22.1 %), ȕ – caryophyllene (18.7 %), caryophyllene oxide (10.6 %) and pentadecanal (5.6 %) as the main constituents. M. mesozygia leaf oil was dominated with ȕ – elemene (11.7 %), (E) –ȕ- ionone (12.4 %), Į- selinene (5.1 %),germacrene A (6.0 %), į – cadinene (4.7 %) and spathulenol (7.4 %) while M. mesozygia stem oil had 2 –dodecanone (77%) and hexahydrofarnesylacetone (13 %) as its main constituents.
The essential oils of Oncoba spinosa leaf and Morus mesozygia leaf and stem bark were extracted using hydrodistillation and analyzed by means of Gas chromatography (GC) and GC coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The yields of the essential oils were; 0.50 %, 0.165 %, and 0.456 % respectively for Oncoba spinosa leaf, Morus mesozygia leaf, and stem oil. A total of twenty-eight, thirty-four and twenty compounds representing 92.0%, 92.0%, and 96.9% of the total oil contents were identified, respectively from the leaf of O. spinosa, leaf, and stem oil of M. mesozygia. Leaf oil of O. spinosa contained linalool (22.1 %), ȕ – caryophyllene (18.7 %), caryophyllene oxide (10.6 %) and pentadecanal (5.6 %) as the main constituents. M. mesozygia leaf oil was dominated with ȕ – elemene (11.7 %), (E) –ȕ- ionone (12.4 %), Į- selinene (5.1 %),germacrene A (6.0 %), į – cadinene (4.7 %) and spathulenol (7.4 %) while M. mesozygia stem oil had 2 –dodecanone (77%) and hexahydrofarnesylacetone (13 %) as its main constituents.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v23.n23.2015.26_revista2015.pdf
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