Lavinel George Ionescu completed the doctorate in New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA in 1970. He is currently a scientific consultant - scienco scientific consulting services and editor of Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry. Published 92 articles in specialized journals and 190 works in annuals of events. It has 11 book chapters and ten published books. Guided the scientific work of more than 50 researchers, including doctorate thesis, masters dissertations, graduation works and scientific initiation in various north american and brazilian universities in the areas of chemistry, materials engineering and biology. Received 24 awards and / or tributes. Between 1972 and 2004, he coordinated 29 research projects. It works in the chemistry, physics, astronomy, and engineering area. In his professional activities, interacted with 161 employees in co-authorities of scientific works. In your lattes curriculum the most frequent terms in the contextualization of scientific, technological, and artistic-cultural production are noble gases, clathrates, thermodynamics of solutions, respiratory pigments, properties, physical appliances, physical applications models of membranes, history and philosophy of science and Latin American contributions in chemistry.
Lavinel George Ionescu completed the doctorate in New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA in 1970. He is currently a scientific consultant - scienco scientific consulting services and editor of Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry. Published 92 articles in specialized journals and 190 works in annuals of events. It has 11 book chapters and ten published books. Guided the scientific work of more than 50 researchers, including doctorate thesis, masters dissertations, graduation works and scientific initiation in various north american and brazilian universities in the areas of chemistry, materials engineering and biology. Received 24 awards and / or tributes. Between 1972 and 2004, he coordinated 29 research projects. It works in the chemistry, physics, astronomy, and engineering area. In his professional activities, interacted with 161 employees in co-authorities of scientific works. In your lattes curriculum the most frequent terms in the contextualization of scientific, technological, and artistic-cultural production are noble gases, clathrates, thermodynamics of solutions, respiratory pigments, properties, physical appliances, physical applications models of membranes, history and philosophy of science and Latin American contributions in chemistry.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v24.n24.2016.6_2016.pdf
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