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Volume: 25
Number: 25
Year: 2017
Pages: 30-35
KLUNK, Marcos Antônio; PONOMAREV, Andrey Alexandrovich; DASGUPTA, Sudipta; DAS, Mohuli
Geochemical modelling speciation is used to understand the interactions that occur in the groundwater. Thermodynamic data, kinetic parameters, numerical methods are factors that affect any geochemical modelling system. The conceptual formulation of geochemical modeling calculates the distribution of chemically reactive species for an aqueous solution. The mathematical formulation of the model results in a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that are solved using numerical methods. Most programs allow the user to estimate the speciation model. Activities of aqueous species are usually calculated using the Davies equation, Debye-Hückel equation, or the extended Debye-Hückel equation. We perform a comparative study of geochemical speciation using three different software: PHREEQCTM, Geochemist's WorkbenchTM (GWB) and GEODELING. Details of each software take into account the distribution, mobility, and availability of chemical species in groundwater. We can observe very similar results in speciation when working with low-temperature systems (20 to 80 °C). GWBTM, PHREEQCTM, and GEODELING employ an integrated system to define when to use Davies, Debye-Huckel or B-dot equation, according to the value of the solution ionic strength. The geochemical speciation aimed to compare the results of simulators able to predict the chemical species present in groundwater. The utilization of GEODELING allows comparing the results with software GWBTM and PHREEQCTM with a high degree of acceptance for low temperatures. The numerical methods used by GWBTM, PHREEQCTM, and GEODELING software are able to seek its own best set of numerical solutions to achieve the equilibrium. Users must be cautious when choosing geochemical modeling software, as an essential factor for choosing a simulator is to know the temperature range that will be used.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v25.n25.2017.35_2017.pdf
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