E-selectin, as identified (CD62E), is expressed on endothelial cells after stimulation with inflammation cytokines. β-Thalassemia diseases (βT) and early diagnosis are of utmost significance in the entire world population. This study was performed in the Thalassemia Center of the Al-Zahraa Educational Hospital in Al-Najaf Province, Iraq, on sixty-nine with β-thalassemia (54 βT major and 15 βT Intermedia) aged 8-40 years who transfused blood. Compared to 20 healthy volunteers as a control group. In both βT patients and healthy groups were assessed serum E-selectin levels. It was investigated the relationship with RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC, PLT, BMI, splenic status, iron, and ferritin levels. The results revealed a significant (P<0.05) decreased values of HB, RBC, P.C.V, and BMI. In contrast, values of WBC, PLT, Iron, and Ferritin were significantly increased in βT patients as compared to the healthy control groups. A significant (P<0.05) increase in serum E- Selectin level in βT patients (20.55±0.47) ng/ml to compare with the healthy group (9.16±0.50) ng/ml. Furthermore, it was a significant decrease in groups of βT major (19.87±0.42) ng/ml more than in βT intermedia (23±1.42) ng/ml. E-Selectin revealed a significant increase (P<0.05) in progress age and associated with splenectomies and underweight groups compared to splenectomies and the normal weight groups, respectively. Also, E-Selectin levels significantly positively correlated with WBC, PLT value, iron, and Ferritin levels. However, it was no significant with RBC, PCV, Hb. As a conclusion from this study, E- Selectin is an important biomarker in β-thalassemia patients can be identified as the complications associated with iron overload, inflammatory process, and endothelial dysfunction in βT disease.
E-selectin, as identified (CD62E), is expressed on endothelial cells after stimulation with inflammation cytokines. β-Thalassemia diseases (βT) and early diagnosis are of utmost significance in the entire world population. This study was performed in the Thalassemia Center of the Al-Zahraa Educational Hospital in Al-Najaf Province, Iraq, on sixty-nine with β-thalassemia (54 βT major and 15 βT Intermedia) aged 8-40 years who transfused blood. Compared to 20 healthy volunteers as a control group. In both βT patients and healthy groups were assessed serum E-selectin levels. It was investigated the relationship with RBC, Hb, PCV, WBC, PLT, BMI, splenic status, iron, and ferritin levels. The results revealed a significant (P<0.05) decreased values of HB, RBC, P.C.V, and BMI. In contrast, values of WBC, PLT, Iron, and Ferritin were significantly increased in βT patients as compared to the healthy control groups. A significant (P<0.05) increase in serum E- Selectin level in βT patients (20.55±0.47) ng/ml to compare with the healthy group (9.16±0.50) ng/ml. Furthermore, it was a significant decrease in groups of βT major (19.87±0.42) ng/ml more than in βT intermedia (23±1.42) ng/ml. E-Selectin revealed a significant increase (P<0.05) in progress age and associated with splenectomies and underweight groups compared to splenectomies and the normal weight groups, respectively. Also, E-Selectin levels significantly positively correlated with WBC, PLT value, iron, and Ferritin levels. However, it was no significant with RBC, PCV, Hb. As a conclusion from this study, E- Selectin is an important biomarker in β-thalassemia patients can be identified as the complications associated with iron overload, inflammatory process, and endothelial dysfunction in βT disease.
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v28.n29.2020.08_Sharba_pgs_66_73.pdf
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