<p align="justify"> An indicator of the health of the human body in the state of the oral mucosa. Mechanical and chemical factors constantly influence it. At the first stage of the study, a comparative analysis of the frequency of various forms of traumatic injuries of the oral mucosa was carried out. The distribution of patients into groups was also carried out, depending on the medicinal product used. Then clinical examinations were carried out. After that, the therapy of traumatic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa began. The developed method for treating traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa with medicine based on phytoecdysteroids provides for eliminating the traumatic factor, applying ointment based on phytoecdysteroids to the dried out focus twice a day. The use of phyto-ointment leads to complete repair of traumatic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa on average by the eighth day from the start of treatment; a similar effect with the use of "Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste" is achieved by the tenth day, and the gel "Cholisal Dental" - at a later date, which is confirmed in this study. The most significant positive effect on the level of quality of life associated with the effectiveness of treatment of traumatic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa in comparison with the dental “Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste” and the gel “Cholisal Dental” is exerted by phyto-ointment, where a decrease in the total points was recorded. When conducting routine examinations of patients, it is necessary to pay attention to the oral mucosa damage. Moreover, in treating traumatic injuries of the oral mucosa, it is recommended to use phytoointment, which contains phytoecdysteroids. </p>
<p align="justify"> An indicator of the health of the human body in the state of the oral mucosa. Mechanical and chemical factors constantly influence it. At the first stage of the study, a comparative analysis of the frequency of various forms of traumatic injuries of the oral mucosa was carried out. The distribution of patients into groups was also carried out, depending on the medicinal product used. Then clinical examinations were carried out. After that, the therapy of traumatic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa began. The developed method for treating traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa with medicine based on phytoecdysteroids provides for eliminating the traumatic factor, applying ointment based on phytoecdysteroids to the dried out focus twice a day. The use of phyto-ointment leads to complete repair of traumatic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa on average by the eighth day from the start of treatment; a similar effect with the use of "Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste" is achieved by the tenth day, and the gel "Cholisal Dental" - at a later date, which is confirmed in this study. The most significant positive effect on the level of quality of life associated with the effectiveness of treatment of traumatic erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa in comparison with the dental “Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste” and the gel “Cholisal Dental” is exerted by phyto-ointment, where a decrease in the total points was recorded. When conducting routine examinations of patients, it is necessary to pay attention to the oral mucosa damage. Moreover, in treating traumatic injuries of the oral mucosa, it is recommended to use phytoointment, which contains phytoecdysteroids. </p>
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v29.n30.2021.04_TIMOSHIN_pgs_36_43.pdf
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