<p align="justify"> Differential pulse polarography was employed for the determination of arsenic in bituminous coal from Figueiras, Parana, Brazil. The dried coal sample was crushed to -100 mesh, ashed, and treated with reducing reagents in acidic media. The arsine generated was collected and selectively oxidized to Al <sup>+3</sup> using an absorbing solution of 0.1 mol.L <sup>-1</sup> [tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane] ( TRIS) and 0. 002 mol.L <sup>-1</sup> silver nitrate. A solution of TRIS and hydrochloric acid, pH -1, was used as supporting electrolyte for differential pulse polarographic determination of Al<sup>+3</sup> in the concentration range 0.05 -0.60 μglmL. The average arsenic concentration found was 69.0 ± 2.6 mg.kg <sup>-1</sup> and was in agreement with the spectrophotometric method using silver-diethyldithiocarbamate-pyridine. </p>
<p align="justify"> Differential pulse polarography was employed for the determination of arsenic in bituminous coal from Figueiras, Parana, Brazil. The dried coal sample was crushed to -100 mesh, ashed, and treated with reducing reagents in acidic media. The arsine generated was collected and selectively oxidized to Al <sup>+3</sup> using an absorbing solution of 0.1 mol.L <sup>-1</sup> [tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane] ( TRIS) and 0. 002 mol.L <sup>-1</sup> silver nitrate. A solution of TRIS and hydrochloric acid, pH -1, was used as supporting electrolyte for differential pulse polarographic determination of Al<sup>+3</sup> in the concentration range 0.05 -0.60 μglmL. The average arsenic concentration found was 69.0 ± 2.6 mg.kg <sup>-1</sup> and was in agreement with the spectrophotometric method using silver-diethyldithiocarbamate-pyridine. </p>
DOI: 10.48141/SBJCHEM.v6.n7.1998.28_1998_2.pdf
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