Document version 1.1. Last review: 31/01/2025.


Please download the Referee's Report Form here. After completing your review, please send it to the journal's email address as a reply to the invitation message you received."

The content of the file is described below:

Referee Report Form for Paper Review

Title of Paper: ____________________________________

Dear Referee,

The attached article has been submitted for publication. You are being invited to review it and recommend acceptance or rejection based on the points listed below. Please complete this checklist and make your comments in the appropriate sections. Return the completed form to the Editors at

General Questions

# Question Yes No Comments
1Is the subject matter suitable for publication in this journal?
2Does the publication fit the standard format of the journal?
3Is this a new and original contribution?
4If a research paper, has this work been published elsewhere? (If so, please provide references.)
5If a scientific review, is it sufficiently comprehensive and critical?
6Is the appendix or attached database (if any) satisfactory?
7Is the review of literature suitable and satisfactory?
8Does the title clearly and sufficiently reflect the content?
9Are the abstract and keywords satisfactory?
10Is the paper of appropriate length?
11Are the data cited relevant to the subject investigated?
12Are the applied methods suitable?
13Are the statistical approaches suitable and satisfactory?
14Do the results contain significant statements?
15Are the conclusions justified by the data?
16Are the presentation and organization satisfactory?
17Are the illustrations and tables necessary and acceptable?
18Are scientific terms correct and accurate?
19Is appropriate reference made to relevant work?
20Is the standard of English satisfactory?

Refereeā€™s Recommendation

Please mark with a cross the appropriate answer:

  • Accepted as it stands
  • Accepted with minor revisions
  • Acceptable with major revisions
  • Unacceptable for publication


Grade Merit
5* Excellent, top priority
5 Good, must be published
4 Acceptable, but with modification by the author
3 Fair, but not essential
2 Fair, repetitive, low priority
1 Not acceptable

Confidential Comments to Editors

Please provide below any comments for the Editors (not shared with the author):