Submission Guidelines
Submission Checklist
To enhance the quality of your submission and avoid unnecessary delays, please review the following checklist before submitting your manuscript:
1. Grammar and Language Check
- Ensure your manuscript is written in clear and professional English
- We recommend using grammar-checking tools such as Grammarly, Ginger, Hemingway Editor, ProWritingAid, WhiteSmoke, or equivalent software to refine your text
- Non-native English speakers may benefit from professional editing services
2. Manuscript Formatting
- Confirm that your manuscript follows the journal's Formatting Guidelines
- Include all required sections: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References
- We appreciate your dedication in using the journal template file
3. Figures and Tables
- Verify that all figures and tables are high-quality and appropriately labeled
- Ensure captions are descriptive and provided for each figure and table
4. References
- Check that all in-text citations are included in the References section and vice versa
- Use APA citation style consistently, with DOI links where applicable
5. Ethics and Disclosures
- Confirm compliance with the journal's Ethical Guidelines
- Include statements on conflicts of interest, funding, and ethical approval for studies involving humans or animals
6. File Preparation
- Submit the manuscript in Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx)
- Include the cover letter in the same email
7. Abstract and Keywords
- Verify that your abstract is structured (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion) and does not exceed maximum amount of words. You are welcome to use our Abstract Maker Tool for directions
- Provide up to five keywords relevant to your study
8. Plagiarism Check
- To reduce the chances of unintentional plagiarism, we recommend you to use plagiarism detection tools such as:
- Duplichecker
- Plagiarism Detector
- Other similar tools
Preparation of Manuscripts
General Format Requirements
All manuscripts must be written in English or Portuguese and submitted, if possible, as a Microsoft Word document using the Journal's TEMPLATE. Please observe the following requirements:
Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English (British or American English throughout). Every paper must be free of unnecessary jargon and readable by any specialist in the related field.
Please proofread carefully for both errors and inconsistencies in spelling (especially scientific terminology), mathematical notation, numerical values, and quotations. The Journal allows up to 100 errors in manuscripts. We encourage authors to utilize free grammar-checking software before submission, as these tools can significantly improve the text quality. Using one or more of these tools prior to submission can help identify and correct common grammatical issues, ensuring a more polished manuscript and potentially reducing the review time.
Format Specifications
- Page size: A4
- Line spacing: Single
- Font type: Arial
- Main text font size: 11
First Page Requirements
The title should be:
- Brief and informative
- Maximum 100 characters including spaces
- Font size 12, capital letters, center alignment
Author Names
- Size 12, Arial, small capital letters
- No scientific titles
- Multiple authors separated in different lines
- Include the ORCID of the authors
- Corresponding author marked with asterisk
- Structured format (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion)
- 250-350 words
- No formulas, references, or abbreviations
- Font Arial, size 10, justified
- 3-5 keywords
- Size 10, italic, justified
- Should not repeat words in the title
Main Text Structure (for original research papers)
The SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF SCIENCES accepts initial manuscript submissions in a simple, unformatted text file using either Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or LibreOffice (.odt) formats. This approach ensures accessibility and focuses on content quality rather than initial formatting. Your manuscript should include these essential sections in the following order:
- Manuscript Title
- Author Information
Include for each author:
- Full name as it should appear in publication
- Institutional affiliations
- Location of each institution (city, country)
- Email addresses
- Corresponding Author Details
Designate one author as the corresponding author and provide:
- Complete mailing address
- Professional email address
- Telephone number (optional)
- ORCID ID (if available)
- Abstract
- 1.1. Introduction subsection
- 2.1. Materials
- 2.2. Methods
- 2.2.1. Method A...
- 3.1. Results
- 3.2. Discussions
- 5.1. Study Limitations
- 5.2. Acknowledgements
- 5.3. Funding source
- 5.4. Competing Interests
- 5.5. Open Access
- 6.1. Ethical Approval
- 6.2. Informed Consent
Review Paper Structure
- Title Page Elements
- Title in English and second language
- Authors with affiliations and ORCID IDs
- Corresponding author details
- Receipt and acceptance dates
- Abstract Structure
- Background
- Aim
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Keywords (max 5)
- 1. Introduction
- Problem statement
- Research rationale
- Hypotheses/theories
- Background
- Literature survey
- 2. Methods
- 2.1. Search Strategy
- Databases used
- Search terms and operators
- Time period covered
- 2.2. Selection Criteria
- Inclusion criteria
- Exclusion criteria
- 2.3. Data Analysis
- Analysis methods
- Quality assessment
- 3. Results and Discussion
- 3.1. Search Results
- Papers found
- Selection process
- Included studies
- 3.2. Analysis of Terms
- Individual analysis
- Combined analysis
- 3.3. Discussion
- Interpretation
- Literature context
- Research gaps
- 4. Conclusions
- Main findings
- Significance
- Future research
- 5. Declarations
- 5.1. Study Limitations
- 5.2. Acknowledgements
- 5.3. Funding source
- 5.4. Competing Interests
- 5.5. Open Access
- 6. References
- APA format
- Cited references only
- Alphabetical order
You are welcome to use our Manuscript Sketch Tool to speed up the process of creating your manuscript.
References Guidelines
The Journal uses APA (American Psychological Association) format citation. Consider using the DOI-to-APA Tool.
Figures Guidelines
- Maximum 15 figures
- JPEG or PNG formats only
- Resolution: 800 dpi/bitmap for line graphs
- Maximum width: 8.5 cm for in-text figures
Tables Guidelines
- Maximum 15 columns and 30 rows
- Title at the top (size 11, bold, italic)
- Numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals
Mathematical Expressions
- Use Equation Editor of Word
- Number equations consecutively
- Place numbers in parentheses on the right
Supplementary Material
- Place at the end of the manuscript
- Cite all supplementary material in the main text
How to Submit a Manuscript or Submission process
Important: This is the only email of the Journal: The Journal has no representatives, and authors should only submit manuscripts through this email account.
We have chosen Gmail as our submission platform due to its significant advantages for academic communication: Gmail provides extensive storage capacity (over 15 GB), allowing us to efficiently handle large manuscript files and their associated materials. The platform's robust spam filtering system helps ensure secure communication, while its threading feature keeps all correspondence about a manuscript organized in a single conversation. Additionally, Gmail's reliable service, accessibility across different devices, and built-in search capabilities enable our editorial team to manage submissions effectively and maintain clear communication trails throughout the review process.
Email Template
The manuscript submission message to the Journal should be as follows:
Dear Editor-in-chief
281/202, Carlos Tarasconi Av.
District: Sagrada Familia
Postal Code: 95320-000
Nova Prata - RS. Brazil
I am sharing a manuscript entitled "TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT," which I am submitting for consideration for publication in the SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF SCIENCES.
I, [Insert the name of the corresponding author here] (Corresponding author) certify that:
- * The manuscript is the original work of all authors.
- * All authors made a significant contribution to this study.
- * This manuscript has not been submitted for publication and has not been published in any other journal.
- * All authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Thank you for your consideration of my work! Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript and feel free to correspond with me by email (Corresponding author's email address).
[Add here the following information:]
First Name - Middle Name - Surname
Complete Mailing Address
Postal Code
Contact Phone Number: [Country prefix followed by whole phone number]
Contact Email:
[list of all files attached such as manuscript, cover letter, and any other relevant files]
Important Information
- ALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD BE MADE THROUGH THE EMAIL ( of the Journal. This is the only email address applicable to submit a manuscript to this Journal. The Journal does not have or use any other way or electronic system to receive papers.
- After the editors have checked the submission, an email will be sent with suitable information.
- The reviewing process starts as soon as the Journal receives the paper and sends the author an email confirming the paper and cover letter have been received. The reviewing process may take up to 180 days from the date of receiving the manuscript.
- After submitting the manuscript, one of the editors will perform a preliminary review to check some essential topics related to the scope of the Journal, formatting, structure, plagiarism, and so on. If the paper is on the scope, and there are no significant issues, the paper can move forward to the next steps (double-blind peer-review).
- Please, before submitting your paper, do not forget to check all relevant information regarding the AIMS and SCOPE and make sure you are submitting to the most suitable Journal.
- Please review the Article Processing Charges (APCs). (Please observe that we have no publications fees)
- Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable.
- Asking a colleague who is a native English speaker to review your manuscript for clarity.
- If necessary, please hire an Academic and Scientific Proofreading and Editing Services in your country to ensure the meaning and the overall text of your manuscript is clear and with no significant English errors.
- Understand the copyright agreement - Copyright.
- Speed of publication: The SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF SCIENCES DOES NOT OFFER ANY FAST PUBLICATION SCHEDULE. All papers received by our team will have the same treatment, and the review process will take the standard processing time (up to 180 days from the date of receiving the paper).
- Check the Ethical Guidelines.
- Plan your publication in the Journal. Please, check the publication schedule of the Journal.
- Please, check the templates instructions to the authors. Avoid making incomplete submissions (Include the cover letter file, and manuscript file).
Publication Guidelines
Article Types
Original Articles
Original Articles are designed for reporting new research findings with robust methodology and significant contributions to the field. These manuscripts must follow the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion), which ensures a logical flow of information from the research question through to the conclusions. The Introduction should clearly state the research objectives and background, the Methodology must provide sufficient detail for replication, the Results should present findings systematically, and the Discussion should interpret these results in the context of existing literature. The length should not exceed 20 pages, including all figures, tables, diagrams, and references. This limit ensures concise yet thorough presentation of research findings. All pages must be numbered according to the journal's template to facilitate the peer review process.
Review Articles
Review Articles provide comprehensive analysis of recent developments and current state-of-the-art in specific fields. These articles span across chemistry and its interdisciplinary connections, encompassing areas such as classical chemistry branches (Analytical, Organic, Inorganic, Physical, and Biochemistry), as well as intersections with Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Engineering, and Agriculture. The journal particularly values reviews that explore emerging technologies, sustainable development, and multidisciplinary approaches to complex scientific challenges. Authors must demonstrate substantial expertise in their review topic through prior publications in the field, as these articles should not merely summarize existing literature but provide critical analysis, identify research gaps, and offer insights into future research directions.
Before submission, authors can complete a pre-submission inquiry process. This involves sending the editors a structured abstract outlining the review's scope and objectives, along with a letter explaining the review's significance and timeliness, and evidence of the authors' expertise in the field. The editorial team will evaluate these materials based on the review's potential impact, comprehensiveness of coverage, authors' expertise, and alignment with journal scope.
Upon receiving editorial approval, authors may submit their complete manuscript, which can extend to 40 pages, including figures, tables, and diagrams. This length allows for thorough coverage while maintaining focus and clarity. All manuscripts must follow the journal's guidelines, with pages numbered according to the template format.
Technical Notes
Technical Notes serve as practical guides for researchers and professionals, focusing on the communication of novel methodologies, validation procedures, and technical innovations. These articles describe experimental techniques, equipment modifications, or analytical methods developed through hands-on laboratory experience or field testing. Whether presenting a new laboratory protocol, validating an existing method for different applications, or documenting innovative equipment adaptations, Technical Notes provide the scientific community with valuable practical insights. Authors should emphasize practical aspects, troubleshooting tips, and specific conditions that influence the method's success.
Each Technical Note should include detailed methodology, validation data, and clear documentation of the testing process, enabling readers to reproduce and implement the described techniques in their own work. The manuscript should include real-world examples and comparative analyses with existing methods when applicable. To ensure comprehensive yet focused presentation of the technical information, manuscripts should not exceed 25 pages, including all figures, tables, and diagrams, with all pages following the journal's template format for consistent presentation
Short Communications
Short Communications offer a rapid pathway for sharing novel scientific discoveries and significant research findings that warrant immediate attention from the scientific community. These concise manuscripts focus on groundbreaking developments, whether in experimental findings, theoretical insights, or methodological innovations. Typical submissions might include the discovery of new materials, innovative experimental approaches, cutting-edge theoretical frameworks, novel simulation and modeling techniques, or the elucidation of previously unknown mechanisms.
The streamlined format of Short Communications—limited to 3,000 words—demands clear, precise writing that emphasizes the significance and originality of the work. Each manuscript must include a focused abstract of no more than 100 words, followed by a main body that presents the findings directly and efficiently. To maintain clarity and impact, authors may include up to six figures or tables in total, carefully selected to demonstrate key results. While these articles maintain the same high standards of scientific rigor as full-length papers, their concentrated format ensures that important findings reach the scientific community without delay.
Interviews published in the SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF SCIENCES provide unique insights into scientific thought, professional experience, and practical wisdom through direct conversations with notable individuals. These interviews aim to capture valuable perspectives on scientific topics, whether from established researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, or other individuals whose experiences and knowledge contribute meaningfully to scientific understanding.
While a strong background in science enriches the dialogue, interviewees need not be traditional academic researchers. The journal welcomes conversations with practitioners, innovators, and thought leaders whose work intersects with or influences scientific fields. The key criterion is the interview's ability to contribute valuable insights to the scientific community, whether through discussions of emerging technologies, practical applications, policy implications, or historical perspectives. To ensure focused and meaningful discourse, interviews are structured with a maximum of 20 thoughtful questions or limited to 15 pages when transcribed. All manuscript pages must follow the journal's standard template format, ensuring consistent presentation and professional appearance.
Other Categories
- Case Studies
- Book Reviews
- Forum Articles
Templates and Instructions
Download the required files (TEMPLATE AND COVER LETTER) from here.
The download includes:
- Template file (.DOC format)
- Cover Letter (editable PDF)
- Instructions for submissions (TXT format)
Review Process Information
- The reviewing process starts upon receipt of your manuscript and may take up to 180 days
The Initial Desk Review checks for required documentation (manuscript file, cover letter, ethical approval when necessary, and data sources), scope, formatting, structure, and plagiarism. Authors will receive an orientational report following the structure outlined below.
- If no significant issues are found, the manuscript moves to double-blind peer-review
- All papers receive the same treatment and standard processing time